General Terms and Conditions
MARACOM s.r.o.
with its registered office at Na Hroudách 2, 228, 228 02 Nymburk, Czech Republic
identification number: 05634555
for the sale of goods via an on-line shop located on the Internet at kava-mlejnek.cz
1.1. These Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "Terms and Conditions") kava-mlejnek.cz MARACOM sro, registered office at Na Hroudách 2, 228, 228 02 Nymburk, identification number: 05634555, (hereinafter referred to as "Seller") regulate in accordance with Section 1751 1 of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code (hereinafter referred to as the “Civil Code”) mutual rights and obligations of the contractual parties arising in connection with or on the basis of a purchase contract (hereinafter referred to as the “Purchase Agreement”) concluded between the Seller and another physical entity The Internet Shop is operated by the Seller on a website located at myiot.cz (hereinafter referred to as the "Website") via the Website interface (hereinafter referred to as "the Website of the Store"). ").
1.2. The Terms and Conditions do not apply in cases where a person intending to purchase goods from the Seller is a legal person or person acting in the course of ordering goods in the course of his business or in his own pursuit of his profession.
1.3. Provisions deviating from the Terms and Conditions may be agreed in the Purchase Agreement. Different arrangements in the Purchase Agreement take precedence over the terms and conditions of the Terms and Conditions.
1.4. Terms and conditions of business are an integral part of the purchase contract. The purchase contract and terms and conditions are written in the Czech language. The purchase contract can be concluded in the Czech language.
1.5. The Terms and Conditions may be amended or supplemented by the Seller. This provision does not affect the rights and obligations arising during the period of effect of the previous version of the Terms and Conditions.
2.1. Upon registration of the buyer on the website, the buyer can access their user interface. From its user interface, the buyer may order goods (hereinafter referred to as the "user account") In the event that the web interface of the shop allows, the buyer can also order goods without registration directly from the shop web interface.
2.2. When registering on the website and when ordering goods, the buyer is obliged to provide correct and true information. The Buyer is obliged to update the data stated in the User Account in any change. The information given by the buyer in the user account and when ordering goods is considered by the seller to be correct.
2.3. User account access is secured by user name and password. The buyer is obliged to maintain confidentiality regarding the information necessary to access his user account.
2.4. The Buyer is not entitled to allow third parties to use the User Account.
2.5. The Seller may cancel the User Account, especially if the Buyer does not use his / her User Account for more than 12 months or if the Buyer violates his / her obligations under the Purchase Agreement (including Terms and Conditions).
2.6. Buyer acknowledges that the user account may not be available continuously, especially with regard to the necessary maintenance of hardware and software vendor, or. necessary maintenance of hardware and software of third parties.
3.1. All presentation of goods placed in the web interface of the shop is of informative nature and the seller is not obliged to conclude a purchase contract regarding this goods. Section 1732 (2) of the Civil Code does not apply.
3.2. The web interface of the store contains information about the goods, including the indication of the prices of individual goods and the cost of returning the goods if, by their very nature, they cannot be returned by the usual postal route. The prices of the goods include VAT and all related charges. Prices of goods remain in effect as long as they are displayed in the store's web interface. This provision does not limit the Seller's ability to conclude a Purchase Agreement under individually agreed conditions.
3.3. The store web interface also contains information about the costs associated with packaging and delivery of the goods. Information on the costs associated with packaging and delivery of the goods listed in the web interface of the shop applies only in cases where the goods are delivered within the territory of the Czech Republic.
3.4. To order the goods, the buyer fills in the order form in the web interface of the shop. In particular, the order form contains information about:
3.4.1. the ordered goods (the buyer inserts the ordered goods into the electronic shopping cart of the web interface of the shop),
3.4.2. the method of payment of the purchase price of the goods, information on the required method of delivery of the ordered goods and
3.4.3. information about the cost of delivering the goods (hereinafter referred to as "Order").
3.5. Before sending the order to the seller, the buyer is allowed to check and change the data entered into the order by the buyer, even with regard to the possibility of the buyer to detect and correct errors in entering data into the order. The Buyer will send the Order to the Seller by clicking on the "Finish Order" button The Seller shall be deemed correct by the Seller immediately upon receipt of the Order by e-mail to the Buyer at the Buyer's e-mail address specified in the User Account or Order only the "Buyer's e-mail address")
3.6. Depending on the nature of the order (quantity of goods, purchase price, estimated shipping costs), the Seller is always entitled to ask the Buyer for additional confirmation of the order (eg in writing or by phone).
3.7. The contractual relationship between the Seller and the Buyer arises upon delivery of the order acceptance (acceptance), which is sent by the Seller to the Buyer by e-mail to the Buyer's e-mail address.
3.8. The buyer agrees to use the means of distance communication to conclude the purchase contract. The costs incurred by the buyer when using means of distance communication in connection with the conclusion of the purchase contract (the cost of internet access, the cost of telephone calls) are borne by the buyer, and these costs do not differ from the base rate.
4.1. The price of the goods and any costs associated with the delivery of the goods under the purchase contract may be paid by the buyer to the seller in the following ways:
cash at the seller's premises;
cash on delivery at the place specified by the buyer in the order;
by bank transfer to the Seller's account (hereinafter referred to as the "Seller's Account"),
by a non-cash payment card,
4.2 The Buyer shall also pay the Seller the costs associated with packaging and delivery of the Goods at the agreed amount. the purchase price and the costs associated with the delivery of goods.
4.3 The Seller does not require the Buyer to make a deposit or any other similar payment This does not affect the provisions of Article 4.6 of the Terms and Conditions regarding the obligation to pay the purchase price in advance.
4.4. In the case of cashless payment, the purchase price is payable within 2 days of the conclusion of the purchase contract.
4.5 In case of cashless payment, the buyer is obliged to pay the purchase price together with the variable payment symbol. is a commitment The buyer is entitled to pay the purchase price at the moment when the relevant amount is credited to the seller's account.
4.6 The seller is entitled, especially if the buyer does not provide additional confirmation of the order (Art. 3.6), require payment of the entire purchase price before shipment of the goods to the buyer. Section 2119 (1) of the Civil Code does not apply.
4.7. Any discounts on the price of goods provided by the Seller to the Buyer cannot be combined.
4.8. If it is customary in the course of trade or if it is stipulated by generally binding legal regulations, the Seller shall issue a tax document - invoice for the payments made under the Purchase Contract to the Buyer. Seller paying value added tax. The tax document - invoice will be issued by the seller to the buyer after payment of the price of the goods and will be sent in electronic form to the buyer's email address.
5.1. The Buyer acknowledges that pursuant to the provisions of Section 1837 of the Civil Code, it is not possible to withdraw from the purchase contract for the delivery of goods that have been modified according to the buyer's wish or for the person from the contract of delivery of perishable goods and goods , which has been irrevocably mixed with other goods upon delivery, from a contract for the delivery of goods in a sealed package that the consumer has removed from the packaging and cannot be returned for hygienic reasons and from a purchase agreement for the delivery of audio or video recordings or a computer program if they have broken original packaging.
5.2. If this is not the case referred to in Article 5.1 or any other case where it is not possible to withdraw from the Purchase Agreement, the Purchaser shall be entitled to withdraw from the Purchase Contract within fourteen (14) days in accordance with Section 1829 (1) of the Civil Code. since the takeover of the goods, where the subject of the purchase contract is several types of goods or delivery of several parts, this period runs from the date of receipt of the last delivery of goods. Withdrawal from the Purchase Agreement must be sent to the Seller within the period specified in the previous sentence. For withdrawal from the purchase contract, the buyer may use the model form provided by the seller, which is attached to the terms and conditions. The Purchaser may send the withdrawal from the Purchase Agreement to, inter alia, the address of the Seller's premises or the Seller's e-mail address.
5.3. In case of withdrawal from the Purchase Contract in accordance with Article 5.2 of the Terms and Conditions, the Purchase Contract is canceled from the beginning. Goods must be returned to the seller within fourteen (14) days of withdrawal from the contract to the seller. If the Buyer withdraws from the Purchase Agreement, the Buyer shall bear the costs of returning the goods to the Seller, even if the goods cannot be returned by their usual postal service due to their nature.
5.4. In case of withdrawal from the contract pursuant to Article 5.2 of the Terms and Conditions, the Seller shall return the funds received from the Buyer within fourteen (14) days of withdrawal from the Purchase Agreement by the Buyer in the same manner as the Seller accepts them from the Buyer. The Seller is also entitled to return the performance provided by the Buyer at the time of returning the goods by the Buyer or otherwise, if the Buyer agrees with this and does not incur additional costs for the Buyer. If the buyer withdraws from the purchase contract, the seller is not obliged to return the received funds to the buyer before the buyer returns the goods or proves that the goods were sent to the seller.
5.5. The Seller is entitled to unilaterally set off the claim for damages to the goods against the Buyer's claim for the refund of the purchase price.
5.6. Until the goods are taken over by the buyer, the seller is entitled to withdraw from the contract at any time. In such a case, the Seller shall return the purchase price to the Buyer without undue delay, by wire transfer to the account specified by the Buyer.
5.7. If a gift is given to the buyer together with the goods, the gift contract between the seller and the buyer is concluded with the termination condition that if the buyer withdraws from the contract, the gift contract for such gift is lost and the buyer is obliged to return the goods to the seller as well Presented gift.
6.1. If the mode of transport is negotiated on the basis of a special request of the buyer, the buyer bears the risk and any additional costs associated with this mode of transport.
6.2. If the Seller is obliged to deliver the goods to the place specified by the Buyer in the order, the Buyer is obliged to accept the goods upon delivery.
6.3. In the event that the goods must be delivered repeatedly or in any other way than stated in the order for reasons on the part of the buyer, the buyer is obliged to pay the costs associated with repeated delivery of the goods, respectively. costs associated with other means of delivery.
6.4. Upon receipt of the goods from the carrier, the buyer is obliged to check the integrity of the packaging of the goods and in case of any defects to notify the carrier immediately. In the event of a breach of the packaging indicating an unauthorized entry into the consignment, the Buyer may not accept the shipment from the carrier.
6.5. Other rights and obligations of the parties in the transport of goods may be modified by the Seller's special delivery terms, if issued by the Seller.
7.1. The rights and obligations of the contracting parties regarding the rights of defective performance shall be governed by the relevant generally binding legal regulations (in particular provisions of Sections 1914 to 1925, Sections 2099 to 2117 and Sections 2161 to 2174 of the Civil Code).
7.2. The Seller is liable to the Buyer that the goods have no defects upon receipt. In particular, the seller is liable to the buyer that at the time the goods were taken over by the buyer:
7.2.1. the goods have properties that the parties have agreed, and if the agreement is missing, it has characteristics that the seller or manufacturer has described or which the buyer has expected with regard to the nature of the goods and the advertising they perform,
7.2.2. the goods are fit for the purpose stated for their use by the seller or to which goods of this type are usually used,
7.2.3. the goods correspond to the quality or design of the agreed sample or model, if the quality or design was determined according to the agreed sample or model,
7.2.4. the goods are in the appropriate quantity, measure or weight a
7.2.5. goods comply with legal requirements.
7.3. The provisions set out in Article 7.2 of the Terms and Conditions shall not apply to goods sold at a lower price for a defect for which a lower price has been agreed, for wear and tear caused by its normal use; by the buyer, or if it results from the nature of the goods.
7.4. If a defect occurs within six months of receipt, the goods are deemed to have been defective upon receipt. The Buyer is entitled to exercise the right of defect that occurs in consumer goods within 24 months of receipt.
7.5. The rights of defective performance shall be exercised by the Buyer at the Seller's address at the premises of the Seller where the acceptance of the complaint is possible with respect to the assortment of the goods sold, possibly at the registered office or place of business. The moment of filing a claim is considered to be the moment when the seller received the claimed goods from the buyer.
7.6. Other rights and obligations of the parties related to the Seller's liability for defects may be regulated by the Seller's Complaints Procedure.
8.1. Kupující nabývá vlastnictví ke zboží zaplacením celé kupní ceny zboží.
8.2. Prodávající není ve vztahu ke kupujícímu vázán žádnými kodexy chování ve smyslu ustanovení § 1826 odst. 1 písm. e) občanského zákoníku.
8.3. Mimosoudní vyřizování stížností spotřebitelů zajišťuje prodávající prostřednictvím elektronické adresy uvedené v sekci KONTAKT. Informaci o vyřízení stížnosti kupujícího zašle prodávající na elektronickou adresu kupujícího.
8.4. Prodávající je oprávněn k prodeji zboží na základě živnostenského oprávnění. Živnostenskou kontrolu provádí v rámci své působnosti příslušný živnostenský úřad. Dozor nad oblastí ochrany osobních údajů vykonává Úřad pro ochranu osobních údajů. Česká obchodní inspekce vykonává ve vymezeném rozsahu mimo jiné dozor nad dodržováním zákona č. 634/1992 Sb., o ochraně spotřebitele, ve znění pozdějších předpisů.
8.5. Kupující tímto přebírá na sebe nebezpečí změny okolností ve smyslu § 1765 odst. 2 občanského zákoníku.
9.1. Ochrana osobních údajů kupujícího, který je fyzickou osobou, je poskytována zákonem č. 101/2000 Sb., o ochraně osobních údajů, ve znění pozdějších předpisů.
9.2. Kupující souhlasí se zpracováním těchto svých osobních údajů: jméno a příjmení, adresa bydliště, identifikační číslo, daňové identifikační číslo, adresa elektronické pošty, telefonní číslo a (dále společně vše jen jako „osobní údaje").
9.3. Kupující souhlasí se zpracováním osobních údajů prodávajícím, a to pro účely realizace práv a povinností z kupní smlouvy a pro účely vedení uživatelského účtu. Nezvolí-li kupující jinou možnost, souhlasí se zpracováním osobních údajů prodávajícím také pro účely zasílání informací a obchodních sdělení kupujícímu. Souhlas se zpracováním osobních údajů v celém rozsahu dle tohoto článku není podmínkou, která by sama o sobě znemožňovala uzavření kupní smlouvy.
9.4. Kupující bere na vědomí, že je povinen své osobní údaje (při registraci, ve svém uživatelském účtu, při objednávce provedené z webového rozhraní obchodu) uvádět správně a pravdivě a že je povinen bez zbytečného odkladu informovat prodávajícího o změně ve svých osobních údajích.
9.5. Zpracováním osobních údajů kupujícího může prodávající pověřit třetí osobu, jakožto zpracovatele. Kromě osob dopravujících zboží nebudou osobní údaje prodávajícím bez předchozího souhlasu kupujícího předávány třetím osobám.
9.6. Osobní údaje budou zpracovávány po dobu neurčitou. Osobní údaje budou zpracovávány v elektronické podobě automatizovaným způsobem nebo v tištěné podobě neautomatizovaným způsobem.
9.7. Kupující potvrzuje, že poskytnuté osobní údaje jsou přesné a že byl poučen o tom, že se jedná o dobrovolné poskytnutí osobních údajů.
9.8. V případě, že by se kupující domníval, že prodávající nebo zpracovatel (čl. 9.5) provádí zpracování jeho osobních údajů, které je v rozporu s ochranou soukromého a osobního života kupujícího nebo v rozporu se zákonem, zejména jsou-li osobní údaje nepřesné s ohledem na účel jejich zpracování, může:
9.8.1. požádat prodávajícího nebo zpracovatele o vysvětlení,
9.8.2. požadovat, aby prodávající nebo zpracovatel odstranil takto vzniklý stav.
9.9. Požádá-li kupující o informaci o zpracování svých osobních údajů, je mu prodávající povinen tuto informaci předat. Prodávající má právo za poskytnutí informace podle předchozí věty požadovat přiměřenou úhradu nepřevyšující náklady nezbytné na poskytnutí informace.
10.1. Kupující souhlasí se zasíláním informací souvisejících se zbožím, službami nebo podnikem prodávajícího na elektronickou adresu kupujícího a dále souhlasí se zasíláním obchodních sdělení prodávajícím na elektronickou adresu kupujícího.
10.2. Kupující souhlasí s ukládáním tzv. cookies na jeho počítač. V případě, že je nákup na webové stránce možné provést a závazky prodávajícího z kupní smlouvy plnit, aniž by docházelo k ukládání tzv. cookies na počítač kupujícího, může kupující souhlas podle předchozí věty kdykoliv odvolat.
11.1. Kupujícímu může být doručováno na elektronickou adresu kupujícího.
12.1. Pokud vztah založený kupní smlouvou obsahuje mezinárodní (zahraniční) prvek, pak strany sjednávají, že vztah se řídí českým právem. Tímto nejsou dotčena práva spotřebitele vyplývající z obecně závazných právních předpisů.
12.2. Je-li některé ustanovení obchodních podmínek neplatné nebo neúčinné, nebo se takovým stane, namísto neplatných ustanovení nastoupí ustanovení, jehož smysl se neplatnému ustanovení co nejvíce přibližuje. Neplatností nebo neúčinností jednoho ustanovení není dotknutá platnost ostatních ustanovení.
12.3. Kupní smlouva včetně obchodních podmínek je archivována prodávajícím v elektronické podobě a není přístupná.
12.4. Přílohu obchodních podmínek tvoří vzorový formulář pro odstoupení od kupní smlouvy.
12.5. Kontaktní údaje prodávajícího: jsou uvedeny na kava-mlejnek.cz v sekci KONTAKT.
V Nymburce dne 17.2.2017